A term in the civil law to denote that which happens by a cause which cannot be resisted. Louis. Code, art. 2522, No. 7. Or it is that which neither of the parties has occasioned, or could prevent. Lois des Bat. Pt. 2, c. 2, Section 1. It is also defined to be an unforeseen event which cannot be prevented. Dict. de Jurisp. Cas fortuit. 2. There is a difference between a … [Read more...]
A dyke, ditch, or trench; a place inclosed by a ditch ; a moat; a canal. … [Read more...]
Lat. Fortune; also treasure trove. Jacob. Fortunam faciunt judicem. They make fortune the judge. Co. Ldtt. 167. Spoken of the process of making partition among coparceners by drawing lots for the several purparts. … [Read more...]
A small ditch. Cowell … [Read more...]
In Scotch law. The action by which an arrestment (garnishment) is made effectual. It is a decree or process by which the creditor is given the right to demand that the sum arrested be applied for payment of his claim. 2 Karnes, Eq. 288, 289; .Bell. … [Read more...]