A defendant that has been found not guilty of the commission of a crime by a judge or court after a trial or hearing. … [Read more...]
A Latin abbreviation for "fragmentum," a fragment, used in citations to the Digest or Pandects in the Corpus Juris Civilis of Justinian, the several extracts from juristic writings of which it is composed being so called. … [Read more...]
The founding or building of a college or hospital. The incorporation or endowment of a college or hospital is the foundation; and he who endows it with land or other property is the founder. … [Read more...]
Lat. A breaking; division; fraction; a portion of a thing less than the whole. … [Read more...]
Based upon; arising from, growing out of, or resting upon; as in the expressions "founded in fraud," "founded on a consideration," "founded on contract," and the like. … [Read more...]