A form of socialism. See 1 Mill, Pol. Ec. 260. … [Read more...]
An ancient custom in Ireland, in which persons put away their children to fosterers. Fostering was held to be a stronger alliance than bipod, and the foster children participated in the fortunes of their foster fathers. Mozley Whitley. … [Read more...]
Such fowls as are preserved under the game laws In warrens. According to Manwood, these are partridges and pheasants. According to Coke, they are partridges, rails, quails, woodcocks, pheasants, mallards, and herons. Co. Litt. 233. … [Read more...]
Land given, assigned, or allotted to the finding of food or victuals for any person or persons; as in monasteries for the monks, etc. Cowell; Blount. … [Read more...]
In English law. This was the statute 52 Geo. III. c. 60, which secured to juries, upon the trial of indictments for libel, the right of pronouncing a general verdict of guilty or not guilty upon the whole matter In issue, and no longer bound them to find a verdict of guilty on proof of the publication of the paper charged to be a libel, and of the sense ascribed to it in the … [Read more...]