estates. Same as freehold, or liberum tenementum. … [Read more...]
A special privilege conferred by government upon an individual or corporation, and which does not belong to the citizens of the country generally, of common right It is essential to the character of a franchise that it should be a grant from the sovereign authority, and in this country no franchise can be held which is not derived from a law of the atate. In England, a … [Read more...]
In old English law. A wood or wood-ground where ash-trees grow. Co. Litt. 4u. … [Read more...]
A fee paid to operate a franchise or to use a brand name. … [Read more...]
In the civil law. A brother. Frater consanguineus, a brother having the same father, but born of a different mother. Frater uterinus, a brother born of the same mother, but by a different father. Frater nutricius, a bastard brother. Frater fratri nterino non snccedet in hsereditate paterna. A brother shall not succeed a uterine brother in the paternal inheritance. 2 Bl. Comm. … [Read more...]