Lat. Fragments. A name sometimes applied (especially in citations) to the Digest or Pandects in the Corpus Juris Civilis of Justinian, as being made up of numerous extracts or "fragments" from the writings of various jurists. Mackeld. Rom. Law, S 74. … [Read more...]
old English law. This is a French law word, signifying free-alms. 2. Formerly religious corporations, aggregate or sole, held lands of the donor, to them and their successors forever, in frank almoign. The service which they, were bound to render for these lands was not certainly defined; they were, in general, to pray for the souls of the donor; his ancestors, and successors. … [Read more...]
Fr. Expense; charges; costs. Frais d'un process, costs of a suit. Frails de justice. In French and Canadian law. Costs Incurred incidentally to the action. Frals jusqu'a bord. Fr. In French commercial law. Expenses to the board; expenses incurred on a shipment of goods, in packing, cartage, commissions, etc., up to the point where they are actually put on board the vessel. … [Read more...]
This word is used in composition, as frank-almoign, frank-marriage, frank-tenement … [Read more...]
The display of a web page within another web page or border (now more popular as an iframe) and is usually used for the purpose of retaining branding by the primary site. For example, a site that wants visitors to recognize its importance as a news aggregator may try to keep a small border with its logo and site header at the top of a page and show a newspaper website in the … [Read more...]