In old English law. "A corporation is an investing of the people of a place with the local government thereof, and therefore their laws shall bind strangers; hut a fraternity is some people of a place united together In respect to a mystery or business into a company, and their laws and ordinances cannot bind strangers." Cuddon v. Eastwlck, 1 Salk. 192. … [Read more...]
Typically in bankruptcy cases, when a debtor transfers property to another party in order to prevent a creditor from seizing the property. Transfers within 90 days of a bankruptcy are usually scrutinized heavily. Such transfers may be declared void and creditors may recover property that was the result of a fraudulent transfer. … [Read more...]
Mar. law. Having the wind from a favorable quarter. 2. To prevent collision of vessels, it is the duty of the vessel having a free course to give way to a vessel beating up. to windward and tacking. 3 Hagg. Adm. R. 215, 326. And at sea, it is the duty of such vessel, in meeting another, to go to leeward. … [Read more...]
Latin, meaning The law does not regard a fraction of a day. … [Read more...]
France. Bract, fol. 427b. … [Read more...]