The right to engage in contractual arrangements as guaranteed by Article I of the U.S. Constitution. … [Read more...]
When majority shareholders use their voting power to deny minority shareholders their rights. Usually done to induce the minority shareholders to sell their stock at a substantial discount. … [Read more...]
Also known as the first and fourtheenth amendment right to freedom of speech, the right to express one's opinion with very limited exceptions, such as where the words are defamatory. … [Read more...]
Freight is properly the price or compensation paid for the transportation of goods by a carrier, at sea, from port to port But the term is also used to denote the hire paid for the carriage of goods on laud from place to place, (usually by a railroad company, not an express company,) or on inland streams or lakes. The name is also applied to the goods or merchandise transported … [Read more...]
A citizen's right to access to government records. This was formally made law under the Freedom of Information Act. … [Read more...]