In old English law. A beating with sticks or clubs; one of the ancient kinds of punishment of malefactors. Bract fol. 104b, lib. 3, tr. 1, c. 6. … [Read more...]
Sax. In Anglo-Saxon law. The military array or land force of the whole country. Contribution to the fyrd was one of the imposts forming the "trinoda nccesstas." (Also spelled "ferd" and "fird.") Fyrdfare. A summoning forth to join a military expedition; a summons to join the fyrd or army. Fyrdsoono, (or fyrdsoken.) Exemption from military duty: exemption from service in the … [Read more...]
In old English law. A staff, used in making livery of seisin. Bract, fol. 40. A baton, club, or cudgel. … [Read more...]
In Scotland this term is applied to a debt which though created is not due, but is to become so at a future day. … [Read more...]
An estate which another person might receive title at some point in the future. … [Read more...]