Criminal law. To quickly pat down a person suspected of a crime for an illegal object or concealed weapon. … [Read more...]
FRISK Law Dictionary & Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Ed. Law Dictionary & Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Ed.
Criminal law. To quickly pat down a person suspected of a crime for an illegal object or concealed weapon. … [Read more...] Law Dictionary & Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Ed.
In the civil law. A temporary separation between husband and wife, caused by a quarrel or estrangement but not amounting to a divorce, because not accompanied with an Intention to dissolve the marriage. … [Read more...] Law Dictionary & Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Ed.
Sax. Peace, security, or protection. This word occurs in many compound terms used in Anglo-Saxon law. Frithborg. Frank-pledge. Cowell. Frithbote. A satisfaction or fine for a breach of the peace. Frithbreuch. The breaking of the peace. Frithgar. The year of jubilee, or of meeting for peace and friendship. Frithgilda. Guildhall; a company or fraternity for the maintenance of … [Read more...] Law Dictionary & Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Ed.
Frankpledge. Cowell. Security for the peace. Spelman. … [Read more...] Law Dictionary & Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Ed.
A lawsuit or motion which is made without merit and intended to delay a proceeding or harass the opposing party. If proven to be frivolous by the opposing party, it may recover costs, attorneys' fees and damages. An answer or plea is called "frivolous" when it is clearly insufficient on its face, and does not controvert the material points of the opposite pleading, and is … [Read more...]