In old English law. To exile or banish. Nullus liber homo, exulvtur, nisi, etc., no freeman shall be exiled, unless, etc. Magna Charta, c 29; 2 Inst 47. … [Read more...]
EXULARE Law Dictionary & Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Ed. Law Dictionary & Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Ed.
In old English law. To exile or banish. Nullus liber homo, exulvtur, nisi, etc., no freeman shall be exiled, unless, etc. Magna Charta, c 29; 2 Inst 47. … [Read more...] Law Dictionary & Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Ed.
To lessen; to palliate; to mitigate. Connell v. State, 46 Tex. Cr. R. 259, 81 S. W. 748. … [Read more...] Law Dictionary & Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Ed.
In canon law. Those decretal epistles which were published after the Clementines. They were so called because at first they were not digested or arranged with the other papal constitutions, but seemed to be, as it were, detached from the canon law. They continued to be called by the same name when they were afterwards inserted in the body of the canon law. The first … [Read more...] Law Dictionary & Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Ed.
Such as render a delict or crime less aggravated, heinous, or reprehensible than it would otherwise be, or tend to palliate or lessen its guilt. Such circumstances may ordinarily be shown in order to reduce the punishment or damages. … [Read more...] Law Dictionary & Black's Law Dictionary 2nd Ed.
Out of the way. When, in an action of trespass, the defendant pleads a right of way, the defendant may reply extra viam, that the trespass was committed beyond the way, or make a new assignment. … [Read more...]