That which is done, given, or effected outside the course of regular judicial proceedings; not founded upon, or unconnected with, the action of a court of law; as extrajudicial evidence, an extrajudicial oath. That which, though done in the course of regular judicial proceedings, is unnecessary to such proceedings, or interpolated, or beyond their scope; as an extrajudicial … [Read more...]
When a person is sick beyond the hope of recovery, and near death, he is said to be in extremism. 2. A will made in this condition, if made without undue influence, by a person of sound mind, is valid. 3. The declarations of persons in extremis, when made with a full consciousness of approaching death, ate admissible in evidence when the death of the person making them is the … [Read more...]
In mining law. The right of the owner of a mining claim duly located on the public domain to follow, and mine, any vein or lode the apex of which lies within the boundaries of his location on the surface, notwithstanding the course of the vein on its dip or downward direction may so far depart from the perpendicular as to extend beyond the planes which would be formed by the … [Read more...]
Outside or foreign, such as extrinsic evidence. Foreign; from outside sources; dehors. As to extrinsic evidence, see EVIDENCE. … [Read more...]
In old English law. One foreign born; a foreigner. 7 Coke, 16. In Roman law. An heir not born in the family of the testator. Those of a foreign state. The same as alienus. Vicat; Du Cange. Extraneus est subditus qui extra terrain, i.e., potestatem regis natus est. 7 Coke, 16. A foreigner is a subject who is born out of the territory, i.e., government of the king. … [Read more...]