When the judge uses the judge's right or privilege that is within judicial power to decide upon a matter or the case. … [Read more...]
To present a thing corporeally, so that it may be handled. Vicat. To appear personally to conduct the defense of an action at law. … [Read more...]
A soldier; a vassal. Spelman. … [Read more...]
1. practice. Where a paper or other writing is on motion, or on other occasion, proved; or if an affidavit to which the paper writing is annexed, refer to it, it is usual to mark the same with a capital letter, and to add, This paper writing marked with the letter A, was shown to the deponent at the time of his being sworn by me, and is the writing by him referred to in the … [Read more...]
A term in the civil law, to denote the person who fits out, and equips a vessel, whether he be the absolute or qualified owner, or even a mere agent. In English, we generally use the word ship's husband, but exercitor is generally used to designate and distinguish from among several part owners of a ship, the one who has the immediate care an management of her. … [Read more...]