Costs or expenses of the suit, which are generally allowed to the successful party. … [Read more...]
estates. Having a relation to or dependence upon something future. 2. Estates are of two sorts, either in possession, sometimes called estates executed; or in expectancy, which are executory. Expectancies are, first, created by the parties, called a remainder; or by act of law, called a reversion. 3. A bargain in relation to an expectancy is, in general, considered invalid. … [Read more...]
Accounting term; money expended for the current operation of the business, e.g. rent, utilities, salaries, etc. as opposed to the long term investments in the business, which are referred to as capital expenditures. … [Read more...]
Demand, want, need, imperativeness. Exigency of a bond. That which the bond demands or exacts, i.e., the act, performance, or event upon which it is conditioned. Exigency of a writ. The command or imperativeness of a writ; the directing part of a writ; the act or performance which it commands. … [Read more...]
In old English law. Outlawry. Spelman. … [Read more...]