Testimony given by an expert witness in court regarding a professional or scientific issue. … [Read more...]
In Mexican law, a term including all the papers or documents constituting a grant or title to land from government Vanderslice v. Hanks, 3 Cal. 27, 38. … [Read more...]
A statement of opinion made by a witness to provide an evaluation of facts in evidence using the expert's qualified prior experience to shed additional insight as to the matter. … [Read more...]
The whole of a person's goods and chattels', bag and baggage. Wharton. Expedlt reipublicse ne sua re quia male utatur. It is for the interest of the state that a man should not enjoy his own property improperly, (to the injury of others.) Inst 1, 8, 2. Expedlt reipublicse ut sit finis litium. It is for the advantage of the state that there be an end of suits; it is for the … [Read more...]
The opinion stated in court by an expert witness. An admissible expert opinion given in court. … [Read more...]