The act of sending or carrying goods and merchandise from one country to another. commercial law. The act of sending goods and merchandise from one country to another. 2 Mann. & Gran. 155; 3 Mann. & Gran. 959. 2. In order to preserve equality among the states, in their commercial relations, the constitution provides that no tax or duty shall be laid on articles exported … [Read more...]
(Expose') A French word, sometimes applied to a written document, containing the reasons or motives for doing a thing. The word occurs in diplomacy.(verb) - To show publicly; to display; to offer to the public view; as, to "expose" goods to sale, to "expose" a tariff or schedule of rates, to "expose" the person. To place in a position where the object spoken of is open to … [Read more...]
An expense, spending of money. … [Read more...]
The date that a contract expires, ends or terminates. … [Read more...]
Costs or expenses of the suit, which are generally allowed to the successful party. … [Read more...]