In mining law. The examination and investigation of land supposed to contain valuable minerals, by drilling, boring, sinking shafts, driving tunnels, and other means, for the purpose of discovering the presence of ore and its extent. Colvin v. Weimer, 64 Minn. 37, 65 N. W. 1079. … [Read more...]
To willfully and with premeditation intend to cause harm to another. … [Read more...]
A scout, huntsman, or chaser. … [Read more...]
Another term for actual notice. … [Read more...]
A sudden and rapid combustion, causing violent expansion of the air, and accompanied by a report. The word "explosion" is variously used in ordinary speech, and is not one that admits of exact definition. Every combustion of an explosive substance, whereby other property is ignited and consumed, would not be an "explosion," within the ordinary meaning of the term. It is not … [Read more...]