In old English law. The issues or profits of holding a court, arising from the customary fees, etc. … [Read more...]
Lat. A foreigner or alien; one born abroad. The opposite of civis. Exterus non habot terras. An alien holds no lands. Tray. Latin: Max. 203. … [Read more...]
See extradition; when one jurisdiction or country provides or surrenders an individual who has committed a crime in another jurisdiction or country to that prosecuting jurisdiction. When a defendant flees a jurisdiction after committing a crime and is caught in a foreign jurisdiction, a situation where that foreign jurisdiction will hold and surrender the person to the … [Read more...]
Extinguished. A rent is said to be extinguished when it is destroyed and put out. Co. Litt. 147b. See EXTINGUISHMENT. Extincto subjecto, tollitur adjunctum. When the subject is extinguished, the incident ceases. Thus, when the business for which a partnership has been formed is completed, or brought to an end, the partnership itself ceases. Inst. 3, 26, 0; 3 Kent Comm. 52, … [Read more...]
The surrender of a criminal by a foreign state to which he has fled for refuge from prosecution to the state within whose jurisdiction the crime was committed, upon the demand of the latter state, in order that he may be dealt with according to its laws. Extradition may be accorded as a mere matter of comity, or may take place under treaty stipulations between the two nations. … [Read more...]