Latin, a legal maxim meaning "the expression of one thing is to exclude another." The legal concept is that if the legislature mentions specifically mentions only certain items from a larger class of items, it meant to include only the items specified and to exclude those items that were omitted. "An implied exclusion argument lies whenever there is reason to believe that if … [Read more...]
Witness testimony given under oath by an individual who personally observed that which is being attested to have occurred. … [Read more...]
A small island arising in a river. See Island. … [Read more...]
Justices in eyre were judges commissioned in Anglo-Norman times in England to travel systematically through the kingdom, once in seven years, holding courts in specified places for the trial of certain descriptions of causes. … [Read more...]
L. Fr. To travel or journey; to go about or itinerate. Britt. c. 2. … [Read more...]