Latin, meaning Every man's house is his safest refuge. … [Read more...]
Latin, meaning Clandestine gifts are always suspicious. … [Read more...]
Generally the place of a person's primary and intended residence or within which a business has its headquarters of operations. Domicile laws govern which state is used to determine the citizenship of a party. This is especially important in federal cases where there is a need for diversity of citizenship, the requirement that the parties be two citizens from different states. … [Read more...]
Lat. Domain; demain; demesne. A lordship. That of which one has the lordship or ownership. That which remains under the lord's immediate charge and control. Spelman. Property; domain; anything pertaining to a lord. Cowell. In ecclesiastical law. A church, or any other building consecrated to God. Du Cange. … [Read more...]
Living. The place of one's current abode. Established in a given domicile; belonging to a given state or jurisdiction by right of domicile. … [Read more...]