Twice the amount of actual damages as found by the verdict of a jury allowed bv statute in some cases of injuries by negligence fraud or trespass. … [Read more...]
The name of a well known bird. 2. Doves are animals ferae naturae, and not the subject of larceny, unless they are in the owner's custody; as, for example, in a dove-house, or when in the nest before they can fly. 9 Pick. 15. See Whelp. … [Read more...]
Where one fraudulently obtains double benefits, e.g. where a commission may be taken from both the seller and purchaser when only one commission is actually earned. … [Read more...]
Subject to be charged with dower; as dowable lands. Entitled or entitling to dower. Thus, a dowable Interest in lands is such as entitles the owner to have such lands charged with dower. … [Read more...]
A term used among merchants to signify that books of account are kept in such a manner that they present the debit and credit of every thing. The term is used in contradistinction to single entry. 2. Keeping books by double entry is more exact, because, presenting all the active and all the passive property of the merchant, in their respective divisions, there cannot be placed … [Read more...]