Thieves; robbers. Cowell. … [Read more...]
Any one who draws or frames a legal document, e.g., a will, conveyance, pleading, etc. … [Read more...]
A charge for the transportation of property in wheeled vehicles, such as drays, wagons, and carts. Soule v. San Francisco Gaslight Co., 54 Cal. 242. … [Read more...]
The provision which the law makes for a widow out of the lands or tenements of her husband, for her support and the nurture of her children. Co. Litt. 30a;"2 Bl. Comm. 130; 4 Kent, Comm. 35: 1 Washb. Real Prop. 146 ; Chapin v. Hill, 1 R. I. 452; Hill v. Mitchell, 5 Ark. 610; Smith v. Hines, 10 Fla. 258; Hoy v. Varner, 100 Va. 600, 42 S. E. 690." Dower is an estate for the life … [Read more...]
An interpreter employed in the east and particularly at the Turkish court. … [Read more...]