U.S. Supreme Court decision in 1857 which was a basis for starting the Civil War deciding that a slave removed to a free state still was considered a slave. … [Read more...]
(A) An estate for life, which the law gives the widow in the third part of the lands and tenements, or hereditaments of which the husband, was solely seised, at any time during the coverture, of an estate in fee or in tail, in possession, and to which estate in the lands and tenements, the issue, if any, of such widow might, by possibility, have inherited. Watk. Prin. Con. 38; … [Read more...]
(verb) - To make dry; to draw off water; to rid land of its superfluous moisture by adapting or improving natural watercourses and supplementing them, when necessary, by artificial ditches. People v. Tarks, 58 Cal. 639.(noun) - A trench or ditch to convey water from wet land; a channel through which water may flow off. The word has no technical legal meaning. Any hollow space … [Read more...]
Stones dividing lands, etc Cowell … [Read more...]
Drake J. Agri. L.
Drake Journal of Agricultural Law … [Read more...]