Twelve peers assembled at the instance of the barons, in the reign of Henry III., to be privy counselors, or rather conservators of the kingdom. … [Read more...]
To withdraw funds from, e.g. to draw money from a bank account, to withdraw profits from a partnership or LLC. Law Dictionary - Alternative Legal Definition n. 1. A movable section of a bridge, which may be raised up or turned to one side, so as to admit the passage of vessels. 2. A depression in the surface of the earth, in the nature of a shallow ravine or gulch, sometimes … [Read more...]
An abbreviation for "doctor;" also, in commercial usage, for "debtor," indicating the items or particulars in a bill or in an account-book chargeable against the person to whom the bill is rendered or in whose name the account stands, as opposed to "Cr." ("credit" or "creditor"), which indicates the items for which he is given credit Jaqua v. Shewalter, 10 Ind. App. 234, 37 N. … [Read more...]
In the customs laws, this term denotes an allowance made by the government upon the duties due on imported merchandise when the importer, instead of selling it here, re-exports it; or the refunding of such duties if already paid. This allowance amounts, in some cases, to the whole of the original duties; in others, to a part only. A drawback is a device resorted to for enabling … [Read more...]
A term employed in old pleadings and records, to denote a groat Townsh. PL 180. An Athenian silver coin, of the value of about fifteen cents. … [Read more...]