Law in its regular course of administration through courts of justice. … [Read more...]
In due or proper form or manner; according to legal requirements. Regularly. Upon a proper foundation as distinguished from mere form. … [Read more...]
(Bring with you, although sick.) In practice. An ancient writ now obsolete, directed to the sheriff, upon a return that he could not bring his prisoner without danger of death, he being adeo languid us, (so sick;) whereupon the court granted a habeas corpus in the nature of a duces tecum licet languidus. Cowell; Blount … [Read more...]
A brief written acknowledgment of a debt. It is not made payable to order, like a promissory note. … [Read more...]
Those lands which formerly belonged to the dukes of Lancaster, and now belong to the crown in right of the duchy. The duchy is distinct from the county palatine of Lancaster, and includes not only the county, but also much territory at a distance from it, especially the Savoy in London and some land near Westminster. 8 Bl. Comm. 78. Duchy court of Lancaster. A tribunal of … [Read more...]