When two written documents are substantially alike, so that each might be a copy or transcript from the other, while both stand on the same footing as original instruments, they are called "duplicates." Agreements, deeds, and other documents are frequently executed in duplicate, in order .that each party may have an original in his possession. State v. Graffam, 74 Wis. 643, 43 … [Read more...]
In the civil law. The defendant's answer to the plaintiffs replication; corresponding to the rejoinder of the common law. Duplieationem possibilitatls lex non patitur. The law does not allow the doubling of a possibility. 1 Rolle, 321. … [Read more...]
Double right Bract fol. 283b. See DROIT-DROIT. … [Read more...]
pleading. Duplicity of pleading consists in multiplicity of distinct matter to one and the same thing, whereunto several answers are required. Duplicity may occur in one and the same pleading. Double pleading consists in alleging, for one single purpose or object, two or more distinct grounds of defence, when one of them would be as effectual in law, as both or all. 2. This the … [Read more...]
(noun) - (From Lat. duplicatio, q. v.) In Scotch pleading. The defendant's answer to the plaintiff's replication.(verb) - In Scotch pleading. To rejoin. "It is duplyed by the panel." 3 State Trials, 471. … [Read more...]