A term in French maritime law. Affreightment of a vessel a cueillette, is a contract by which the captain obligates himself to receive a partial cargo, only upon condition that he shall succeed in completing his cargo by other partial lading; that is, by gathering it (en recueillant) wherever he may be able to find it. If he fails to collect a cargo, such partial charterin is … [Read more...]
In old English law. Signed or marked with a cross. Pilgrims to the holy land, or crusaders; so called because they wore the sign of the cross upon their garments. Spelman. … [Read more...]
(To whom before divorce.) A writ for a woman divorced from her husband to recover her lands and tenements which she had in fee simple or in tall, or for life, from him to whom her husband alienated them during the marriage, when she could not gainsay it. Reg. Orig. 233, … [Read more...]
A grounds for divorce whereby one spouse has treated the other with such great suffering that makes living life together untenable and not bearable. … [Read more...]
For whose good; for whose use or benefit "Cai bono is ever of great weight in all agreements." Parker, C. J., 10 Mod. 135. Sometimes translated, for what good, for what useful purpose. Cuicunque aliquis quid concedit concedere videtur et id sine quo res ipsa esse non potuit. 11 Coke, 52. Whoever grants anything to another is supposed to grant that also without which the thing … [Read more...]