In Scotch law. Curtesy. Also the privileges, prerogatives, or, perhaps, retinue, of a court. Curiosa et eaptlosa interpretatio in lege reprobatur. A curious (over nice or subtle) and captious interpretation is reprobated in law. 1 Buist 6 … [Read more...]
A judge's instruction given to a jury in order to correct a previous error of instruction or a jury's misunderstanding. … [Read more...]
In old English law. A measure containing four bushels or half a quarter of corn. Cowell; Blount. … [Read more...]
(A) See conservator (B) persons, contracts. One who has been legally appointed to take care of the interests of one who, on account of his youth, or defect of his understanding, or for some other cause, is unable to attend to them himself. 2. There are curators ad bona, of property, who administer the estate of a minor, take care of his person, and intervene in all his … [Read more...]
The money which passes, at a fixed value, from hand to hand; money which is authorized by law. 2. By art. 1, s. 8, the Constitution of the United States authorizes congress to coin money, and to regulate the value thereof. Changes in the currency ought not to be made but for the most urgent reason, as they unsettle commerce, both at home and abroad. Suppose Peter contracts to … [Read more...]