"Coming to the nuisance" is a defense in real estate law to a nuisance claim. A nuisance occurs when one land owner engages in conduct which significantly affects, interferes or otherwise negatively impacts another's ability to use and enjoy their own property or which may affect health, safety and welfare. A defense to a nuisance claim by the offending party is that it engaged … [Read more...]
The act of buying a domain name that reflects a known business, person or valid trade or service mark for the purpose of selling the name back to a legitimate potential owner for profit. The Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act of 1999 empowers the victim of a cybersquatter to file a lawsuit to obtain the domain name and sue for financial compensation. The registration, … [Read more...]
Electronic crime or crime that takes place through the Internet. Computer crime. … [Read more...]
A period of time that repeats. A measure of time; a space in which the same revolutions begin again; a periodical space of time. Enc. Lond. … [Read more...]
That which happens regularly or periodically. … [Read more...]