This phrase is used to express the ends and boundaries of an estate. The word butt, being evidently derived from the, French bout, the end; and bounds, from boundary. … [Read more...]
See Bid. … [Read more...]
The abuse of official influence in the affairs of government; corruption. This word has lately been adopted to signify that those persons who are employed in bureaus abuse their authority by intrigue to promote their own benefit, or that of friends, rather than the public good. The word is derived from the French. Law Dictionary - Alternative Legal Definition A system in which … [Read more...]
In Saxon law. A court of justice held semi annually by the bishop or lord in a burg, which the thanes were bound to attend without summons. … [Read more...]
In old English criminal law, laymen, upon being accorded the benefit of clergy, were burned with a hot iron in the brawn of the left thumb, in order that, being thus marked, they could not again claim their clergy. 4 Bl. Comm. 367. … [Read more...]