In the civil law. A mother's brother. 2 Bl. Comm. 230. Avunculus magnus, a great uncle. Avunculus major, a great grandmother's brother. Avunculus maximum, a great great grandmother's brother. See Dig. 38, 10, 10; Inst. 3, 6, 2. … [Read more...]
In the civil law. A grandfather Inst. 3, 6, 1. Law Dictionary - Alternative Legal Definition Grandfather. This term is used in making genealogical tables. … [Read more...]
A making void, or of no effect; annulling, cancelling; escaping or evading. In English ecclesiastical law. The term describes the condition of a benefice when it has no incumbent. In parliamentary language, avoidance of a decision signifies evading or superseding a question, or escaping the coming to a decision upon a pending question. Holthouse. In pleading. The allegation or … [Read more...]
comm. law. The name of a peculiar weight. This kind of weight is so named in distinction from the Troy weight. One pound avoir du pois contains 7000 grains Troy; that is, fourteen ounces, eleven pennyweights and sixteen grains Troy a pound avoir du pois contains sixteen ounces; and an ounce sixteen drachms. Thirty-two cubic feet of pure spring-water, at the temperature of … [Read more...]
The name of a system of weights (sixteen ounces to the pound) used in weighing articles other than medicines, metals, and precious stones. … [Read more...]