the term used when a person has planned to kill another person and was unsuccessful. … [Read more...]
A heinous act or one that involves extensive brutality or extreme cruelty, a horrendous and unthinkable crime. … [Read more...]
the term used to describe the preparations and planning in an attempt to commit a robbery that failed. … [Read more...]
To take or apprehend by commandment of a writ or precept. It differs from arrest, because it takes not only the body, but sometimes the goods, whereas an arrest is only against the person; besides, he who attaches keeps the party attached in. order to produce him in court on the day named, but he who arrests lodges the person arrested in the custody of a higher power, to be … [Read more...]
One who owes a duty or service to another, or in some sort depends upon him. Termes de la Ley. One who follows and waits upon another. … [Read more...]