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In international law. A term used to designate either of two nations which are actually in a state of war with each other, as well as their allies actively co operating; as distinguished from a nation which takes no part in the war and maintains a strict indifference as between the contending parties, called a “neutral.” U. S. v. The Ambrose Light (D. C.) 25 Fed. 412; Johnson v. Jones, 44 111. 151, 92 Am. Dec. 159. Bello parta cedunt reipublicse. Things acquired in war belong or go to the state. 1 Kent, Coram. 101; 5 C. Rob. Adm. 173, 181; The Joseph, 1 Gall. 558, Fed. Cas. No. 7,533. The right to all captures vests primarily in the sovereign. A fundamental maxim of public law. BEIiIjUM. Latin: In public law. War. An armed contest between nations; the state of those who forcibly contend with each other. Jus belli, the law of war.

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