1. In old English, and civil law. A proclamation; a public notice; the announcement of an intended marriage. Cow ell. An excommunication; a curse, publicly pronounced. A proclamation of silence made by a crier in court before the meeting of champions in combat Id. A statute, edict, or command; a fine, or penalty. 2. In French law. The right of announcing the time of mowing, reaping, and gathering the vintage, exercised by certain seignorial lords. Guyot, Repert Univ. 3. An expanse; an extent of space or territory; a space inclosed within certain limits; the limits or bounds themselves. Spel man. 4. A privileged space or territory around a town, monastery, or other place. 5. In old European law. A military standard; a thing unfurled, a banner. Spel man. A summoning to a standard; a calling out of a military force; the force itself so summoned; a national army levied by proclamation.