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To transfer to another, via sale or gift, the legal right or responsibility (usually per a contract) to another. contracts; practice. 1. To make a right over to another; as to assign an estate, an annuity, a bond, over to another. 2. To appoint; as, to appoint a deputy, Justices are also said to be assigned to keep the peace. 3. To set forth or point out; as, to assign errors, to show where the error is committed; or to assign false judgment, to show wherein it was unjust.

Law Dictionary – Alternative Legal Definition

v. In conveyancing. To make or set over to another; to transfer; as to assign property, or some interest therein 9). In practice. To appoint, allot, select, or designate for a particular purpose, or duty. Thus, in England, justices are said to be “assigned” to take the “assises,” “assigned to hold pleas,” “assigned to make gaol delivery,” “assigned to keep the peace,” etc. To transfer persons, as a sheriff is said to assign prisoners In his custody. To point at, or point out; to set forth, or specify; to mark out or designate; as to assign errors on a writ of error; to assign breaches of a covenant.

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