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(A) A division in some books. In agreements and other writings, for the sake of perspicuity, the subjects are divided into parts, paragraphs, or articles. (B) chan. practice. An instrument in writing, filed by a party to a proceeding in chancery, containing reasons why a witness in the cause should be discredited. (C) eccl. law. A complaint in the form of a libel, exhibited to an ecclesiastical court. ARTICLES “1. A connected series pf propositions; a system of rules. The subdivisions of a document code, book. etc. A specification of distinct matters agreed upon or established by authority or requiring judicial action. 2. A statute; as having its provisions articulately expressed under distinct heads. Several of the ancient English statutes were called “”articles,”” (articuli.) 3. A system of rules established by legal authority; as articles of war, articles of the navy, articles of faith, (see infra.) 4. A contractual document executed between parties, containing stipulations or terms of agreement; as articles of agreement, articles of partnership. 5. In chancery practice. A formal written statement of objections filed by a party, after depositions have been taken, showing ground for discrediting the witnesses. ”
ARTICLES APPROBATORY In Scotch law. That part of the proceedings which corresponds to the answer to the charge in an English bill in chancery. Paters. Comp.
ARTICLES IMPROBATORY In Scotch law. Articulate, averments setting forth the facts relied upon. ‘ Bell. That part of the proceedings which corresponds to the charge in an English bill in chancery to set aside a deed. Paters. Comp. The answer is called “articles approbatory.”
ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT A written memorandum of the terms of an agreement. It is a common practice for persons to enter into articles of agreement, preparatory to the execution of a formal deed, whereby it is stipulated that one of the parties shall convey to the other certain lands, or release his right to them, or execute some other disposition of them.
ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION Articles subscribed by the members of a joint-stock company or corporation organized under a general law, and which create the corporate union between them. Such articles are in the nature of a partnership agreement, and commonly specify the form of organization, amount of capital, kind of business to be pursued, location of the company, etc. Articles of association are to be distinguished from a charter, in that the latter is a grant of power from the sovereign or the legislature.
ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION The name of the instrument embodying the compact made between the thirteen original states of the Union, before the adoption of the present constitution.
ARTICLES OF FAITH In English law. Tbe system of faith of the Church of England, more commonly known as the “Thirty-Nine Articles.”
ARTICLES OF IMPEACHMENT A formal written allegation of the causes for impeachment; answering the same office as an indictment in an ordinary criminal proceeding.
ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION The instrument by which a private corporation is formed and organized under general corporation laws. People v. Golden date Lodge, 128 Cal. 257, 60 Pac. 865.
ARTICLES OF PARTNERSHIP A written agreement by which the parties enter into a copartnership upon the terms and conditions therein stipulates.
ARTICLES OF RELIGION In English ecclesiastical law. Commonly called the “Thirty-Nine Articles;” a body of divinity drawn up by the convocation in 1562, and confirmed by James IJ
ARTICLES OF ROUP In Scotch law. The terms and conditions under which property is sold at auction. ARTICLES OF SET. In Scotch law. An agreement for a lease. Paters. Comp.
ARTICLES OF THE CLERGY The title of a statute passed in the ninth year of Edward II. for the purpose of adjusting and settling the great questions of cognizance then existing between the ecclesiastical and temporal courts. 2 Reeve, Hist. Eng. Law, 291-296.
ARTICLES OF THE NAVY A system of rules prescribed by act of parliament for the government, of the English navy; also, in the United States, there are articles for the government of the navy.
ARTICLES OF THE PEACE A complaint made or exhibited to a court by a person who makes oath that he is in fear of death or bodily harm from some one who has threatened or attempted to do him injury. The court may thereupon order the person complained of to find sureties for the peace, and, in default, may commit him to prison. 4 Bl. Comm. 255.
ARTICLES OF UNION In English law. Articles agreed to, A. D. 1707, by the parliaments of England and Scotland, for the union of the two kingdoms. They were twenty-five in number. 1 BL Comm. 96. Articles of war. Codes framed for the government of a nation’s army are commonly thus called.
ARTICLES, LORDS OF A committee of the Scottish parliament, which, in the mode of its election, and by the nature of its powers, was calculated to increase the influence of the crown, and to confer upon it a power equivalent to that of a negative before debate. This system appeared Inconsistent with the freedom of parliament, and at the revolution tne convention of estates declared it a grievance, and accordingly it was suppressed by Act 1600, c. 3. Wharton.

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