Latin: Before. Usually employed in old pleadings as expressive of time, as prce (before) was of place, and coram (before) of person. Townsh. PI. 22. Occurring In a report or a text book, it Is used to refer the reader to a previous part of the book. Ante exhibitionem billse. Before the exhibition of the bill. Before suit begun. Ante factum or ante gestum. Done before. A Roman law term for a previous act, or thing done before. Ante litem motam. Before Buit brought; before controversy instituted. Ante natus. Born before. A person born before another person or before a particular event. The term is particularly applied to one born in a country before a revolution, change of government or dynasty, or other political event, such that the question of his rights, status, or allegiance will depend upon the date of his birth with reference to such event. In England, the term commonly denotes one born before the act of union with Scotland; in America, one born before the declaration of independence. Its opposite is post natus, one born after the event.