Lat. Mind; Intention; disposition; design; will. Animo, (q. v.;) with the intention or design. These terms are derived from the civil law. Animus cancellandi. The intention of destroying or canceling, (applied to wills.) Animus capiendi. The intention to take or capture. 4 C. Rob. Adm. 126, 155Animus de dicaudi. The intention of donating or dedicating. Animus defamandi. The intention of defaming. The phrase expresses the malicious intent which is essential in every case of verbal injury to render it the subject of an action for libel or slander. Animus derelinquendi. The intention of abandoning. 4 C. Rob. Adm. 216. Rhodes v. Whitehead, 27 Tex. 304, 84 Am. Dec. 631. Animus differendi. The intention of obtaining delay. Animus donandi. The intention of giving. Expressive of the intent to give which is necessary to constitute a gift. Animus et factus. Intention and act; will and deed. Used to denote those acts which become effective only when accompanied by a particular intention. Animus furandi. The intention to steal. Gardner v. State, 55 N. J. Law, 17. 26 Atl. 30: State v. Slingerland, 19 Nev. 135, 7 Pac 280. Animus lucrandi. The intention to make a gain or profit. Animus manendi. The intention of remaining; intention to establish a permanent residence. 1 Kent, Comm. 76. This is the point to be settled in determining the domicile or residence of a party. Id. 77. Animus morandi. The intention to remain, or to delay. Animus pos sidendi. The intention of possessingAnimus quo.’ The jntent with which. Animus recipiendi. The intention of receiving. Animus recuperandi. The intention of recovering Locc. de Jure Mar. lib. 2, c. 4,