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(A) relationship. The union or connexion of two persons or families by marriage, which is also called affinity. This is derived from the Latin preposition ad and ligare, to bind. (B) international law. A contract, treaty, or league between two sovereigns or states, made to insure their safety and common defence. 2. Alliances made for warlike purposes are divided in general into defensive and offensive; in the former the nation only engages to defend her ally in case he be attacked; in the latter she unites with him for the purpose of making an attack, or jointly waging the war against another nation. Some alliances are both offensive and defensive; and there seldom is an offensive alliance which is not also defensive.

Law Dictionary – Alternative Legal Definition

The relation or union between persons or families contracted by intermarriage. In international law. A union or association of two or more states or nations, formed by league or treaty, for the joint prosecution of a war, or for their mutual assistance and protection in repelling hostile attacks. The league or treaty by which the association is formed. The act of confederating, by league or treaty, for the purposes mentioned. If the alliance is formed for the purpose of mutual aid in the prosecution of a war against a common enemy, it is called an “offensive” alliance. If it contemplates only the rendition of aid and protection in resisting the assault of a hostile power, it is called a “defensive” alliance. If it combines both these features, it is denominated an alliance “offensive and defensive.”

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