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L. Lat. An alderman, q. v. Aldermannns civitatis vel burgi. Alderman of a city or borough, from which the modern office of alderman has been derived. T. Raym. 435, 437. Aldermannns comitatns. The alderman of the county. According to Spelman, he held an office intermediate between that of an earl and a sheriff. According to other authorities, he was the same as the earl. 1 BI. Comm. 116. Aldermannns hundred! sen wapentaehii. Alderman of a hundred or wapentake. Spelman. Aldermannns regis. Alderman of the king. So called, either because he received his appointment from the king or because he gave the judgment of the king in the premises allotted to him.^Aldermannns totins Angliae. Alderman of all England. An officer among the Anglo Saxons, supposed by Spelman to be the same with the chief justiciary of England in later times. Spelman.

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