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Abbreviation for financial term: Assumed Interest Rate. 1. That fluid transparent substance which surrounds our globe. 2. No property can be had in the air it belongs equally to all men, being indispensable to their existence. To poison or materially to change the air, to the annoyance of the public, is a nuisance. But this must be understood with this qualification, that no one has a right to use the air over another man’s land, in such a manner as to be injurious to him. 3. It is the right of the proprietor of an estate to enjoy the light and air that will come to him, and, in general, no one has a right to deprive him of them; but sometimes in building, a man opens windows over his neighbor’s ground, and the latter, desirous of building on his own ground, necessarily stops the windows already built, and deprives the first builder of light and air; this he has the right to do, unless the windows are ancient lights, or the proprietor has acquired a right by grant or prescription to have such windows open.

Law Dictionary – Alternative Legal Definition

That fluid transparent substance which surrounds our globe.

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