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n the civil law. Equity, as opposed to strictum or summum jus, (q. v.) Otherwise called aequum, aequum bonum, aequum et bonum, aequum et justum. Calvin.
AEQUITAS AGIT IN PERSONAM Equity acts upon the person. 4 Bouv. Inst. n. 3733.
AEQUITAS EST CORRECTIO LEGIS GENERALITER LATAE QUA PARTE DEFICIT Equity is the correction of that wherein the law, by reason of its generality, is deficient Plowd. 375.
AEQUITAS EST CORRECTIO QUAEDAM LEGI ADHIBITA, QUIA AB EU ABEST ALIQUID PROPTER GENERALEM SINE EXCEPTIONE COMPREHENSIONEM Equity is a certain correction applied to law, because on account of its general comprehensiveness, without an exception, something is absent from it. Plowd. 467.
AEQUITAS EST PERFECTA QUEDAM RATIO QUA JUS SCRIPTUM INTERPRETATUR ET EMENDAT; NULLA SCRIPTUA COMPREHENSA SED SOLA RATIONE CONSISTENS Equity is a certain perfect reason, which interprets and amends the written law, comprehended in no writing, but consisting in right reason alone. Co. Litt. 24b.
AEQUITAS EST QUASI AEQUALITAS Equity is as it were equality; equity is a species of equality or equalization. Co. Litt. 24. Aequitas ignorantiae opitulatur, oscitantiae non item. Equity assists ignorance, but not carelessness.
AEQUITAS LOQUITUR LEGEM Equity follows the law. Gilb. 186.
AEQUITAS NON FACIT JUS, SED JURI AUXILIATUR Equity does not make law, but assists law. Lofft, 379.
AEQUITAS NUNQUAM CONTRAVENIT LEGIS Equity never counteracts the laws.
AEQUITAS SUPERVACUA ODIT Equity abhors superfluous things. Lofft, 282.
AEQUITAS UXORIBUS, LIBERIS, CREDITORIBUS MAXIME FAVET Equity favors wives and children, creditors most of all.
AEQUUMET BONUM EST LEX LEGUM What is equitable and good is the law of laws. Hob. 224.

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